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For millions of years,throughout  the course of evolution, sharks have perfectly adapted to coexist in the ever-changing environment.  Once kings of natural selection,  time is running out for these beautiful creatures. In Asia, shark fin soup is an exceptionally popular delicacy. Banquets, weddings, and celebrations are almost unimaginable without shark fin soup. Sharks are very slow growing, late maturing. they live a long life and give birth to few young's making them extremely vulnerable to overfishing. 

26-73 Millions of sharks are killed each year for their fins. Poachers catch the sharks , cut off their fins, and throw them back in the ocean to bleed to death. Asian peoples are aware of this cruel method that millions of sharks go through, and yet they still consume this soup as a sign of prosperity. 


Knowing the crisis,

celebrities such as Yao Ming are stepping out to help protect the species.

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